jaman dulu di kerajaan Daha hiduplah seorang Brahmana yang benama Sidi Mantra
yang sangat terkenal kesaktiannya. Sanghyang Widya atau Batara Guru
menghadiahinya harta benda dan seorang istri yang cantik. Sesudah
bertahun-tahun kawin, mereka mendapat seorang anak yang mereka namai Manik
Manik Angkeran seorang pemuda yang gagah dan pandai namun dia mempunyai sifat
yang kurang baik, yaitu suka berjudi. Dia sering kalah sehingga dia terpaksa
mempertaruhkan harta kekayaan orang tuanya, malahan berhutang pada orang lain.
Karena tidak dapat membayar hutang, Manik Angkeran meminta bantuan ayahnya
untuk berbuat sesuatu. Sidi Mantra berpuasa dan berdoa untuk memohon
pertolongan dewa-dewa. Tiba-tiba dia mendengar suara, “Hai, Sidi Mantra, di
kawah Gunung Agung ada harta karun yang dijaga seekor naga yang bernarna Naga
Besukih. Pergilah ke sana dan mintalah supaya dia mau memberi sedikit
Mantra pergi ke Gunung Agung dengan mengatasi segala rintangan. Sesampainya di
tepi kawah Gunung Agung, dia duduk bersila. Sambil membunyikan genta dia
membaca mantra dan memanggil nama Naga Besukih. Tidak lama kernudian sang Naga
keluar. Setelah mendengar maksud kedatangan Sidi Mantra, Naga Besukih
menggeliat dan dari sisiknya keluar emas dan intan. Setelah mengucapkan terima
kasih, Sidi Mantra mohon diri. Semua harta benda yang didapatnya diberikan
kepada Manik Angkeran dengan harapan dia tidak akan berjudi lagi. Tentu saja
tidak lama kemudian, harta itu habis untuk taruhan. Manik Angkeran sekali lagi
minta bantuan ayahnya. Tentu saja Sidi Mantra menolak untuk membantu anakya.
Angkeran mendengar dari temannya bahwa harta itu didapat dari Gunung Agung.
Manik Angkeran tahu untuk sampai ke sana dia harus membaca mantra tetapi dia
tidak pernah belajar mengenai doa dan mantra. Jadi, dia hanya membawa genta
yang dicuri dari ayahnya waktu ayahnya tidur.
sampai di kawah Gunung Agung, Manik Angkeran membunyikan gentanya. Bukan main
takutnya ia waktu ia melihat Naga Besukih. Setelah Naga mendengar maksud
kedatangan Manik Angkeran, dia berkata, “Akan kuberikan harta yang kau minta,
tetapi kamu harus berjanji untuk mengubah kelakuanmu. Jangan berjudi lagi.
Ingatlah akan hukum karma.”
Angkeran terpesona melihat emas, intan, dan permata di hadapannya. Tiba-tiba
ada niat jahat yang timbul dalam hatinya. Karena ingin mendapat harta lebih
banyak, dengan secepat kilat dipotongnya ekor Naga Besukih ketika Naga beputar
kembali ke sarangnya. Manik Angkeran segera melarikan diri dan tidak terkejar
oleh Naga. Tetapi karena kesaktian Naga itu, Manik Angkeran terbakar menjadi
abu sewaktu jejaknya dijilat sang Naga.
kematian anaknya, kesedihan hati Sidi Mantra tidak terkatakan. Segera dia
mengunjungi Naga Besukih dan memohon supaya anaknya dihidupkan kembali. Naga
menyanggupinya asal ekornya dapat kembali seperti sediakala. Dengan
kesaktiannya, Sidi Mantra dapat memulihkan ekor Naga. Setelah Manik Angkeran
dihidupkan, dia minta maaf dan berjanji akan menjadi orang baik. Sidi Mantra
tahu bahwa anaknya sudah bertobat tetapi dia juga mengerti bahwa mereka tidak
lagi dapat hidup bersama.
harus mulai hidup baru tetapi tidak di sini,” katanya. Dalam sekejap mata dia
lenyap. Di tempat dia berdiri timbul sebuah sumber air yang makin lama makin
besar sehingga menjadi laut. Dengan tongkatnya, Sidi Mantra membuat garis yang
mernisahkan dia dengan anaknya. Sekarang tempat itu menjadi selat Bali yang
memisahkan pulau Jawa dengan pulau Bali.
origin of the strait of Bali
In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin benama Sidi Mantra is very famous miracle. Trance Guru presented him Widya or property and a beautiful wife. After many years of marriage, they had a son who they named Manik Angkeran.
Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and intelligent young man but he has poor character, which is like gambling. He often lost so he was forced to risk assets of their parents, even in debt to someone else. Because it can not pay debts, Manik Angkeran ask his father's help to do something. Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the gods for help. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hi, Sidi Mantra, in the crater of Mount Agung there is treasure guarded bernarna dragon Dragon Besukih. Go there and ask that he wanted to give a little treasure. "
Sidi Mantra go to Mount Agung to overcome all obstacles. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As he rang the bell he cast a spell and summon Dragon Besukih name. Not long then utilized the dragon out. After hearing intentions Sidi Mantra, Dragon Besukih stretched and scales out of gold and diamonds. After thanking, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran in the hope he will not gamble again. Of course, shortly thereafter, the property was finished to bet. Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father. Of course Sidi Mantra refused to help anakya.
Manik Angkeran heard from her that the property was obtained from Mount Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there he had to cast a spell but he never learned about prayer and mantra. So, he just brought the bell that was stolen from his father when his father sleep.
After arriving at the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya rang. Remarkably he scared when he saw Dragon Besukih. After hearing intentions Dragon Bead Angkeran, he said, "I'll give you a treasure that you ask, but you have to promise to change your behavior. Do not gamble anymore. Remember the law of karma. "
Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there was a malicious intent that arise in his heart. Because you want to get more treasure, with lightning speed when he cut the tail Besukih Dragon Dragon beputar back to the nest. Manik Angkeran immediately fled and was not overtaken by the Dragon. But because it's the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burned to ashes when the dragon licked his footsteps.
Hearing the death of his son, Sidi Mantra heartbreak unspeakable. Soon he visited Dragon Besukih and begged her son revived. Dragon tail can afford it origins back to normal. With his power, Sidi Mantra can recover the Dragon's tail. After Manik Angkeran turned on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra knew that his son had repented but he also understands that they are no longer able to live together.
"You have to start a new life but not here," he said. In the blink of an eye he was gone. In her place stood a water source that arise increasingly large so that it becomes the ocean. With his cane, Sidi Mantra drawing lines mernisahkan him with his son. Now place it into the strait that separates the island of Java, Bali with Bali island.
In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin benama Sidi Mantra is very famous miracle. Trance Guru presented him Widya or property and a beautiful wife. After many years of marriage, they had a son who they named Manik Angkeran.
Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and intelligent young man but he has poor character, which is like gambling. He often lost so he was forced to risk assets of their parents, even in debt to someone else. Because it can not pay debts, Manik Angkeran ask his father's help to do something. Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the gods for help. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hi, Sidi Mantra, in the crater of Mount Agung there is treasure guarded bernarna dragon Dragon Besukih. Go there and ask that he wanted to give a little treasure. "
Sidi Mantra go to Mount Agung to overcome all obstacles. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As he rang the bell he cast a spell and summon Dragon Besukih name. Not long then utilized the dragon out. After hearing intentions Sidi Mantra, Dragon Besukih stretched and scales out of gold and diamonds. After thanking, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran in the hope he will not gamble again. Of course, shortly thereafter, the property was finished to bet. Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father. Of course Sidi Mantra refused to help anakya.
Manik Angkeran heard from her that the property was obtained from Mount Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there he had to cast a spell but he never learned about prayer and mantra. So, he just brought the bell that was stolen from his father when his father sleep.
After arriving at the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya rang. Remarkably he scared when he saw Dragon Besukih. After hearing intentions Dragon Bead Angkeran, he said, "I'll give you a treasure that you ask, but you have to promise to change your behavior. Do not gamble anymore. Remember the law of karma. "
Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there was a malicious intent that arise in his heart. Because you want to get more treasure, with lightning speed when he cut the tail Besukih Dragon Dragon beputar back to the nest. Manik Angkeran immediately fled and was not overtaken by the Dragon. But because it's the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burned to ashes when the dragon licked his footsteps.
Hearing the death of his son, Sidi Mantra heartbreak unspeakable. Soon he visited Dragon Besukih and begged her son revived. Dragon tail can afford it origins back to normal. With his power, Sidi Mantra can recover the Dragon's tail. After Manik Angkeran turned on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra knew that his son had repented but he also understands that they are no longer able to live together.
"You have to start a new life but not here," he said. In the blink of an eye he was gone. In her place stood a water source that arise increasingly large so that it becomes the ocean. With his cane, Sidi Mantra drawing lines mernisahkan him with his son. Now place it into the strait that separates the island of Java, Bali with Bali island.